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    Graven Legalities

    Ask Thee Medical Doctor

    Thee Boutique Graven online contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. Thee information is not a physicians diagnostic and is documented here at without any medical doctors representations.  Thee Boutique Graven limits liabilities by requesting patrons consult their own professional healthcare provider.

    @ Creative Commons

    Thee Boutique Graven will knot work with or for Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International Public Creative Commons License which binds thee terms and conditions between artist and thee public in order to alter thee U.S. copyrights to grant rights to referral systems and report thee deeds lawful or illegal as A Black Veil moves for international trade and commerce.

    Cookie Legalities

    Thee Boutique Graven online agrees to thee fact that website cookies are stored and tracked by your computer, internet provider and server. While shopping at you are agreeing to this policy, you consent to thee use of cookies in accordance with thee terms of this policies of your own provider.

    Graven Copyrights

    Thee Boutique Graven will knot be working with or for thee U.S. copyright, patent and trademark projects. All works created for and sold at , including but not limited to thee paternity right and integrity right of both thee art and thee non-artistic works created under thee name of Theion Temple LLC are held by + A Black Veil + Since 1976.

    Graven Disclaimers

    Thee Boutique Graven online contains general information about branding, entrepreneurship and religion. Thee information is not a grant, notice of advice, or will of entitlement. Thee Boutique Graven limits liabilities by exclusion of trust in anti-sematic persons and organizations, refusing them council, business and religious alliance.

    Graven Laws Online

    Thee Boutique Graven contains general information that you may find helpful and attempt to share with another website. In order to secure steady workflows thee Theion Temple LLC and its subsidiaries renounces interlinking between they that foster counter productivity and limits liability by denying malicious linking and severing interconnectivity.

    Say No To Spam

    Thee Boutique Graven considers spam a hindrance to productivity to they that communicate, shop and work on thee internet. Thee Theion Temple LLC limits liability by insisting that clients, patrons and those that socialize online decline thee use of fraudulent contacts, information and references in association with any and all Theion Temple LLC websites.

    Who Is Responsible ?

    Thee Boutique Graven was founded by thee Theion Temple LLC which is owned by IVTSIVTP Thee Complete Portfolio artist, Miss Kisissa Elolam Selassie. Patrons who find thee need to question products developed for and for purchase at need only contact thee company and\or artist listed above.

    Your Graven Privacy

    Thee Boutique Graven wishes to inform its patrons of thee general website “Conditions and Terms of Use” in order to limit liability while you shop. Thee internet is allowed to store any and all information gathered once a person or organization has logged onto thee World Wide Web in hopes to secure a safer business, shopping and social environment.